Philippians 4:6-7 (msg)

Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. Philippians 4:6-7 (msg)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Learning to enjoy the quiet....

Today is day nine in the hospital (not that I'm counting).  A good friend of mine had to stay in this unit for nearly 60 days with her first child so she tried to prepare me for what this would be like.  The High Risk Perinatal (HPR) Unit.  Who knew there was a whole unit devoted to keeping women pregnant?

It is actually a pretty nice set up.  I have a room with a wonderful view of I285 and the King & Queen buildings here in Atlanta.  It really is like my very own little apartment complete with mini fridge, pantry, room service and medical staff.  All of the staff have gone above and beyond to make Lil Bit and  I comfortable.  They all understand that this takes as much of an emotional toll as it does physical.  Being in bed for the most part of 2012 has been hard on my body, metabolism has slowed resulting in fatigue and no exercising result in no muscle tone.  Emotionally it is difficult to be separated from family, isolated from everything that makes your life "normal."

Please don't mistake the above for a complaint.  It is not.  I am thankful.  I am thankful that still 11 weeks after major surgery I am cancer free and Lil Bit is healthy.  I am thankful for an awesome husband that supports and loves me.  I am thankful for an incredible family that has stepped in to take care of Walker, Carter and Caroline (and Billy, too of course).  I am thankful for friends, neighbors, coworkers that have made sure our family has been well feed since January.  I am thankful for a team of doctors that are collaborating to determine the best possible care for Lil Bit and me.  I am thankful for a God that loves me despite my shortcomings and His many promises of unconditional love.  So very much to be thankful for...

Here at the hospital, bed rest means bed rest.  I do have restroom and shower privileges (not all the women on this floor are that lucky).  I also am allowed one 30 minute wheel chair ride a day.  Other than that it is expected that I am lying in bed.  One if not two doctors stop by to see me daily.  The nurses monitor Lil Bit's heart tones and my uterine contractions periodically and of course vitals several times a day.  I have been visited by family, friends, dietitians, case workers, a music therapist and volunteers with Happy Tails (dog therapy).  

Yesterday I had an ultrasound to check my cervical length and of course check out Lil Bit to make sure he was alright.  He is perfectly healthy and growing as he should.  My cervix did measure shorter than it did last Wednesday.  It was 1.4 cm this week compared to 1.7 cm last week.  The doctors will measure again on Monday and also do an ultrasound then to determine how much he weighs at this point.  They will also repeat the fetal fibronectin test on Monday.  The doctors will use all this information to decide if they feel it is safe to send us home.  The original plan was to discharge us at 28 weeks (next Monday).  But over the past couple of days there's been mention of 32 if not 34 weeks.

I am hopeful that we'll go home next week.  I want what is best for Lil Bit and Walker, Carter and Caroline.  This hasn't been an easy journey for our family...we have tried our best to keep things as normal as possible for them but what's normal about your mommy being away in a hospital?  Its all about perspective I guess...a few months of sacrifice on all our parts for a lifetime with this miracle, this Lil Bit that God has blessed us with.

I love the lyrics of Laura Story's song Blessings, always helps me reevaluate my attitude:

We pray for blessings, We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things
'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise...


  1. God Bless you cousin! If we were closer, we would be there to do what we can. Sending continued prayers from PA for your entire family and your caregivers.

  2. Can't wait to meet you in are doing great!! remember this verse when times are most trying:
    "I am doing a great work and cannot come down." Neh 6:3
    You are doing a FANTASTIC work!
