Philippians 4:6-7 (msg)

Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. Philippians 4:6-7 (msg)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Overwhelmed, humbled, grateful...!  We are so overwhelmed, in a good way, by all our friends, family and strangers that have offered their prayers and support.  There are no words for us to express our gratitude and quite frankly it is a little uncomfortable.  Again, not in a bad way. Bill nor I are used to having to ask for help - it is a very humbling place to be.  Actually, we are not even having to ask for help many generous, caring, loving people have just stepped up to help us out. 

Just a few examples:
1.  A neighbor of ours (Denise) has offered to coordinate food for our family throughout the course of this treatment.  (If you would like to be included on the list for that please just FB message me your email or leave your email address in the comments and I will forward that to her).  

2.  Neighbors have also volunteered to arrange play dates for the kids (they are going to be so spoiled!).

3.  A local service we use contacted me and let us know that they would still provide the service but don't want us to pay...really, who does that???  People that love you!

4.  Roswell High School has been incredible!!  The first week of this I called to coordinate lesson plans for my students.  You know what they said?  "Don't worry about it we have everything covered!"  OK...if you know anything about education how often would you find a group of high school teachers that would give up their planning time to teach someone else's classes for an extended period of time?  And the administration has been beyond understanding as well...again I am humbled.  Thank you Abby, Heather, Ginny, Becky, Beth, Megan, Steve, Ellen and Jerome (please forgive me if I left someone off the list - I will do a whole post just about you if I did!!).

5. My sister-in-law, Jenn, started a Praying for Megan event on FB to invite people to pray during our surgery on Wednesday morning.  Following that lead, my HOME church, where I grew up, was baptized and married, Flintstone Baptist Church started another FB event.  They are opening the church 6:30 am - noon on Wednesday for a time of prayer for us.  Really???  I don't even know what to say...I again am humbled.

6. Of course my (Lynda), dad (Ed), Nanny Starr and Daddy Bill, my brother (Tim), sister (Leigh) and their families, great friends Je and Rie Rie have all been such a great source of strength and comfort.

A cousin of ours, Renee', has also been a great source of comfort for me.  She has provided us with scriptural guidance and support (along with so many others).  But this is why I am mentioning her.  I told her about the outpouring of love and support.  She said, "Take it!"  Her point was that the Bible teaches that God loves his children "lavishly."  This is God's way, in such an unimaginable circumstance, to show us His lavish love.  These are His children, His followers, His believers that He has given a burden to help us and by doing that showing us His lavish love.  Well, we feel "lavishly loved!"

After speaking with Renee' I researched a little about God's lavish love and found this on a site called "One Passion One Devotion":

Psalm 103:8-12
The LORD is merciful! He is kind and patient, and his love never fails. The LORD won’t always be angry and point out our sins; he doesn’t punish us as our sins deserve. How great is God’s love for all who worship him? Greater than the distance between heaven and earth! How far has the LORD taken our sins from us? Farther than the distance from east to west!
God’s love is so lavish. We can bravely and boldly approach his presence and throne of grace and throne of holiness and find all we need because God is lavish and abundant in his love. Do we see God as a crusty old judge with a stick ready to beat us at every move??? that is not a correct persception of God. get into your heart how lavish the love of God is towards you.
it was lavishly expressed in the life of Jesus.
it was lavishly exprsesed in the sacrifice of Jesus.
it is lavishly expressed in God alive in me, making me new, transforming me, accepting me.
1 John 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!


  1. Megan,
    We go to FBCA and use to be in the same extended session rotation as you & Bill (y'all had the 4s and we were in the 3s). Anyway, Stacey Gaffney asked prayer for you in our prayer group and I have been praying every day for all of you since and will continue to do so. I also added you to our joint venture connect group prayer list this morning. I hope that was ok. You are truly an inspiration and such a testimony to what being faithful means. We will be praying for all of you as you head into surgery this week.

  2. This is awesome! What an inspiration you are! I really needed this perspective this morning. God does lavish us with his love and we need to recognize it and accept it for what it is. Difficult for me to do sometimes. Thanks for the reminder!!

  3. I saw your mom and dad at church yesterday. Great sermon and I know you, your family and the surgical team are all gonna be prayed for heavily on Wednesday! I told your mom as I was asking her how you were holding up... That you and baby are gonna be fine! I claim it and praise God for I know you and baby will be taken care of and healed. I believe! Praying for you always! <3

  4. Megan, I know Jenn, and attend church with her mom and dad. Linda has put you on the prayer list at church and she updates every Wednesday night. Many of us are praying for you and Little Bit as you go through this. I also joined the fb event to pray for you tomorrow. Know that you are loved and prayed for by many people here in Shelby NC

    Melissa Wells
