Philippians 4:6-7 (msg)

Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. Philippians 4:6-7 (msg)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas day scare...

Christmas morning with an 8, 6 and 2 year old is AWESOME!!!  The kids watched the live feed of Santa's reindeer, we tracked him on NORAD and even sprinkled our magic reindeer food in the yard before we went to sleep last night.

I am blessed beyond measure.  Three healthy children (and 1 on the way of course) and a husband that loves me.  Like most families our lives are so crammed full of "stuff" that sometimes family time is what we sacrifice....Christmas is that time when it seems we get that family time back....I LOVE it!  

We had a great Christmas morning and then...

After putting together a new baby doll bed for Caroline I was again not feeling well.  I knew it was baby related so I headed up to bed.  Before I climbed in bed I went to the restroom and found I was bleeding badly.  I was alarmed but at the same time I have been spotting this whole pregnancy.  This was more blood than usual but just a week earlier at our first OB visit I was assured that this was "normal" for some pregnancies (none of my others by the way!)

I debated whether or not to call the OB service line since it was Christmas morning but decided for my peace of mind I should.  They told me to monitor and try and quantify how much I was bleeding.  After about 4 hours the bleeding had slowed significantly so the OB told me to call the next morning and make an appointment for an ultrasound just to make sure baby was doing alright.  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The first ultrasound...

It is so hard to wait for that first OB appointment after you find out your's finally here, five weeks later.  

We've known we were expecting this Little Bit since early November and decided to keep it to ourselves until this confirmation appointment.  It was tough...Bill and I had Thanksgiving with our families - didn't say a word - if you know me personally you know how hard it was to not share this exciting news.  It was also hard not to share just because I have felt so bad this time around.  Exhausted is such a mild adjective for how I've felt and the "morning sickness" lasts for 24 hours.  I am not at all complaining - I have wanted this fourth baby and know the outcome is totally worth this temporary situation.

As Bill and I walked in for the ultrasound, those crazy mom-to-be hormones kick in.  All I want to see and hear is the heartbeat - I've had all the symptoms and peed on the stick - but still want that confirmation.  There it is, Baby Harris looks and sounds completely healthy.  I looked at Billy and of course I'm crying...he of course is more concerned to make sure there is only one heartbeat (not that he wouldn't have been happy with twins!!). 

I've been "worried" about the health of Baby since we found out.  The bleeding, pressure and other symptoms that had convinced me to see the doctor in early October were still there.  I had a cervical prolapse 5 days after giving birth to Caroline in August 2009 (as a side note - there is a very good reason why your OB tells you not to carry anything too heavy immediately after giving birth - carrying Walker's Kindergarten school supplies into his school caused me to prolapse).  Because of that prolapse I was concerned that I might have some difficulties carrying this baby to full term.  So of course I asked the ultrasound technician to check my cervix.  Everything on the ultrasound was normal and no apparent issues with my cervix.

The meeting with our mid-wife was totally uneventful.  Standard short visit...I did mention my symptoms to her....bleeding, discharge, pressure, fatigue....all of which are very common complaints of early pregnancy.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The backstory...

Since July 2011 I have been having symptoms that I assume are related to the cervical prolapse I had in August 2009 after Caroline was born.  Like most of us I was too busy to take the time to get to the doctor immediately  and thought if I started taking better care of my health that the symptoms would just go away.  I started training three days a week and eating better but come September the symptoms (spotting, discharge, fatigue, and pelvic pressure) were still there.  I was finally to the point that I felt I should go see my GYN.

Today I saw the nurse.  She was so concerned by what she saw in my exam that she left the room to get a doctor to take a look.  They decided that something was going on with my cervix and thought it best to take a biopsy.  I left the office with a prescription for an antibiotic (only because they had no explanation for my symptoms) and told me we would have the biopsy results back in a few days.  

Later this week the nurse calls and lets me know that the biopsy is inconclusive and I should plan on coming back in 6 months for another check.